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Monday, August 15, 2011

A very useful uploading trick for large sized files..!

Ever tried to upload a 700mb .avi or .rar file?...It's not a big deal if you've got a super fast internet connection..but in case you don't?(mostly)...The basic and goddamn problem you would find is the uploading process stops when it is partially done..!..Boom..bang..!..Internet connection failure..automatic system shutdown and many more!!...

How about starting the uploading again from 0mb with a hope this time it would complete the process..":D"

I have a better solution..

->Get the software Hjsplit using which you can split large files into specific number smaller files...and upload each file all the files in a single folder.

->When the downloader wants to download the whole content he can download all the parts and again using hjsplit can join all of them to get the whole file...!



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Having problem in accessing specific USERS(like scott,hr,oe..) on oracle 11g database?

Windows 7 environment?....64 bit?..32 bit?...32 is fine...but 64 requires some efforts to run Oracle 11g swiftly..doesn't it?...Even if you got 32 bit win 7 it takes time to install the database depending on your RAM size...However after all efforts and time takings you've got the database installed on your lappy..Beginner to open sql plus...enters the required username and default password..suddenly it says "USER LOCKED"...!..Damn...!

Here's the solution :

->Against username type sys as sysdba
    Against password       just press enter without typing anything

->after getting connected (in order to unlock scott user)
type : 
SQL>alter user scott account unlock;

->If you don't know the password of the user scott, type the following in order to change the password :

SQL>alter user scott identified by <desired password>;

->You can always change the password of sys or system too...But keep it in mind..Never forget the password of sys.



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Worry about Muxing your subtitle(.srt file) to your apple ipod touch video?

Got an apple ipod touch?Lucky you..!..But are you enjoying your ipod videos with subtiles?..You've got your favourite movies collection with you(without pre-muxxed subtitle)..but the language used in the movie might not be quite understandable to you..Even if you understand,watching a movie with subtitle makes it more enjoyable..isn't it?...Here's a simple yet highly effective way of adding your desired subtitle to your ipod touch mp4 file.

All you need is :

1.ipod touch mp4 format video case you've got avi,mpg,rmvb,mkv,wmv or any other format videos and want to convert it to ipod touch video use this software which works really cool :

Bigasoft total video converter

2. srtiphone to mux your .srt file with the mp4 file - put the ipod touch mp4 file and the .srt file in SAME FOLDER
..the name of both the files ( mp4 and .srt) MUST BE SAME..!
This software takes these two files as input and generates the output in a .M4U formatted video file which is fully muxed with your provided subtitle...

This should be the end..!..all you need now is to sync this output file to your ipod touch and enjoy..!!

N:B - If you find any difficulty in playing the video with subtitle in your touch device after following step 1 and 2 try following step 3..which would work 100% for sure...!

3. Get the software sothink video converter
Now input the .M4U file here which will provide you another mp4 file as output...That's all...!

All you need now is to sync this mp4 file to your ipod touch...WOO!...your subtitle is working..Enjoy..":)"


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